A Comprehensive Cursed Tower Defense Beginner's Guide to Start Winning

Master Cursed Tower Defense with our beginner's guide. Learn the basics, build strong defenses, and conquer waves of enemies. Perfect for new players!

Ever wondered what it’s like to guard something truly valuable, something everyone’s after? That’s what Cursed Tower Defense on nowgg.nl throws at you. You’re in charge of protecting these shiny, precious gems from waves of cursed enemies who will stop at nothing to steal them. But it’s not as simple as putting up walls – you’ve got to be smart about it.

You’ll need to set up towers, each with its own strengths, and figure out the best way to stop the enemies before they make off with your gems. The deeper you get into the game, the more you’ll have to think on your feet. It’s fun, it’s tricky, and it’ll keep you on your toes. Ready to jump in and see if you can handle the heat?

How the Basics Work In Cursed Tower Defense

In Cursed Tower Defense, it’s all about building the right towers to stop waves of enemies from reaching your precious gems. Each tower you place has its own unique power.

Some shoot arrows, some cast spells, and others deal damage over time. It’s up to you to decide which towers to use and where to place them to cause the most damage. You’ll need to mix and match them to create a strong defense.

The enemies don’t come all at once, though. They arrive in waves, and each wave is tougher than the last. At first, you’ll face simple enemies that are easy to defeat. But as the game goes on, you’ll see faster, stronger, and sneakier enemies that require more planning. You’ll have to switch things up as you go, adjusting your strategy to keep up.

What makes this game stand out is the way enemies steal your gems. Instead of just reaching the end of the path, they grab your gems and run back. So, you not only have to stop them from getting in but also make sure they don’t get away.

Tip: Focus on killing enemies carrying gems first because they can escape with your gems if you don’t stop them quickly!

Tower Types and Their Importance

In Cursed Tower Defense on nowgg.nl, there are three distinct races, each with its own set of towers: Orcs, Undead, and Demons. Here’s a breakdown of each race and its towers:


  • Den: A basic tower with moderate damage, range, and firing speed. It shoots arrows that hit enemies instantly.
  • Orcish Den: Adds a 10% chance to land critical hits, dealing extra damage. It can be upgraded further to increase the critical hit chance.
  • Ballista Den: Slower firing but does splash damage over a wide area. This tower is great for hitting groups of enemies and works best on larger maps.


  • Crypt: Fires homing projectiles that never miss and stores charges to release all at once when enemies are in range.
  • Ghost Crypt: Drains mana from enemies with each hit, letting you cast spells more frequently.
  • Chilling Crypt: Inflicts fear on enemies, causing them to flee for a short time, which is incredibly useful for stalling enemies within range of your other towers.


  • Temple: Fires a continuous beam that locks onto one enemy. Though its range is short, it can deal consistent damage over time.
  • Evileye Temple: Adds a “radiance” effect, increasing the damage taken by the enemy it targets.
  • Burning Temple: Hits all enemies in range at once, making it ideal for controlling large crowds. Best placed on high ground for maximum effectiveness.

Tip: Each type of tower complements each other, so combining towers from Orcs, Undead, and Demons will give you the best defense strategy.

How to Manage Your Gold and Mana

In Cursed Tower Defense, managing gold and mana well is key to surviving the waves. You need gold to build and upgrade towers. Spend it wisely – if you run out too quickly, you won’t be able to defend well. Early on, it’s smart to focus on cheaper towers to cover more ground.

Also, deciding between upgrading a tower or building a new one can be tricky. Upgrading makes individual towers stronger, but adding new towers gives you more coverage. It all depends on what the situation calls for.

Mana is used to cast powerful spells, such as Meteor or Frenzy, when things start getting out of control. You can’t generate it quickly, so save it for tough moments when you really need an extra boost to take down enemies. With the Cursed Tower Defense online cloud benefits, you can enjoy uninterrupted gameplay while managing your resources effectively, whether you’re playing on PC or mobile.

Tip: Balance between building more towers and upgrading the best ones for long-term success!

Getting to Know Your Enemies

In Cursed Tower Defense, you’ll face different types of enemies, each with its own challenges. Early on, you’ll deal with weak enemies that come in large numbers. These are easy to take down, but because they appear in groups, you’ll need towers that can handle lots of enemies at once, such as Dens or Crypts.

As you progress, you’ll face stronger foes, such as Knights or Mages. Knights have more health, and Mages come with magic shields. These enemies will require more advanced towers or specific strategies, like using Poison Towers or Chilling Crypts to slow them down and chip away at their health.

Flying enemies add another layer of challenge. Not all towers can target them, so it’s important to place towers such as Crypts or Ballista Dens strategically to catch these high-flying threats before they reach your gems. For more advanced tips, check out our Cursed Tower Defense strategy guide to help you tackle tougher enemies.

Tip: Mix up your towers to handle different enemy types because focusing on just one kind of tower won’t cut it.

Final Thoughts

Don’t stress if you lose a level or two – it’s all part of the fun! Cursed Tower Defense is about learning, improving, and finding the best strategies. Enjoy the process of figuring out how to upgrade towers, handle different enemies, and place your defenses in the perfect spots.

Remember, you can play Cursed Tower Defense for free on any device with nowgg.nl, whether it’s on PC, mobile, iPad, or Chromebook, with no download needed.